Portfolio Purpose

To present an overview to potential funders and partners of the various grassroots development projects located in South Africa that require financial and/or technical assistance.


Grassroots / Community Based Organisations (CBOs) can play a major role in reducing / eradicating the social and economic challenges in South Africa. However, their lack of organisational capacity and resources makes it difficult for them to operate at their optimal. The result is that the management and implementation of much needed developmental projects are comprised.

While there are grant-making organisations / funders that recognise these challenges and streamline their funding / grant programs for institutional development / build capacity for such organisations, it seldom reaches the organisations in most need.

How we assist

By equipping grassroots organisations with the necessary tools and resources to increase their efficiency, effectiveness and operate under good governance and principals. This ensures that they are eligible to access available funding / grants and are able work towards becoming sustainable;

By facilitating a relationship between grant-making organisations / funders and grass-roots organisations (particularly those operating in rural and poverty stricken communities).


Additional information and / or a full proposal for any of the projects presented below can be made available by contacting Leigh-Ann Mathys:

+27 (0) 82 304 7572
+27 (0) 86 517 8839