House of Hope – Doreen Walmer – 8 abandoned HIV Positive Children

Doreen is a person that one can only describe as an angel on earth. She has taken it upon herself to tutor, look after, love and bring up these children as individuals with character and a sense of what is right or wrong. Doreen will not let anything stand in her way when it comes to the well-being of her charge, and even those in the community that need help.

Doreen has a tiny home that houses the eight of them, and is desperately short of space. The lounge has to be transformed each time, as a dressing room, dining room, washroom, laundry/ironing room or clinic.

A container secured to the side of the house would provide for the extra space needed allowing the existing lounge to be used as another bedroom.

  • Container R30 000.00 – Unitainer would supply and deliver container
  • To supply proper nutrition dailyto each child on a sustainable basis for a year, for these children, being in a wellness situation would call for the doubling up of portions served
    • R0.50c x 2 x 365 = R365.00 per child x 8 children = R2920.00 per annum
  • Southerlandia capsules 1 per child per day x 365 days x 4 children = 1460 capsules divided by 60 capsules per tub = 25 tubs rounded up at R69.00 per tub = R1725.00 per annum
  • 4 x double bunks, mattresses and linen R5000.00

To sponsor the abandoned 8 children per month – the calculation is based on the following breakdown for an individual child on a monthly basis

  • Medical attention
    • Trips to the doctor to have their CD4 count and viral load monitored
    • Purchasing of medication other than antiretroviral drugs
  • Education
    • Monthly school fees
    • Uniforms
    • Stationery
    • Bus fair
  • General
    • Day to day expenses
  • R1150.00 per child x 8 x 12 months = R110,400.00

Total Requirements for Project 4