Diseases due to malnutrition
There are over 100 different types of parasites worms living in human bodies. Some are microscopic in size while others can be seen quite easily. These common organisms can be found everywhere in our environment, in the air we breath, in the water we drink, or in the food we eat.
Parasite is an organism that lives on or in other organisms from which it obtains nutrients to live and cause harm in the process.
Parasites worms invade your bodies through food and water intake, through a transmitting agent (like a mosquito) sexual conduct or through the nose and skin. Once established, they will eat the same foods you eat or they will eat you. People with intestinal parasite infections are usually under-nourished and weak, such as aid orphans, are infected with viral, fungal, or bacteria, and have various types of chemical and metal poisoning. Human intestinal parasites can be present in any disease, in any person, at any age. They are responsible for many health problems because the secrete toxins and steal the vital nutrients from our bodies. They can irritate or exaggerate other health problems you may be experiencing. Everyone is at risk and under their mercy during parasitic infections.
The human body creates the perfect living environment for parasites when the bowel becomes ineffective in the elimination of our waste products. The build-up of fecal materials on the walls of the colon is attributed to constipation – we poison ourselves from our toxic waste and the waste from these creatures.
Testing for parasites are only available for about five percent of the known varieties with twenty-percent accuracy. Cancer cases are afflicted with worms that often lump together and look like tumors. Female worms can release 3000 to 200 000 eggs per day depending on their type.
There are 3200 varieties of parasites in the four major categories:
Some parasites worms have the ability to fool bodies into thinking they are a normal part of the tissue or organ and the immune system will not fight off the intruders. When these alien invaders are established in our bodies, they do several things:
- They can make Swiss cheese out of your organs. Worm infections can cause physical trauma by perforating (burrowing) the intestines, the circulatory system, the lungs, the liver or the whole bodies.
- They can erode, damage or block certain organs by lumping together in balls or tumors, and are often mistaken for cancer tumors and travel into the brain, heart and lungs.
- They rob us of our vital vitamin and mineral nutrients, and amino acids needed for digestion. Some become anemic (anemia) and are drowsy after meals.
- They give off certain metabolic waste products (toxic waste) that poison our bodies. This particular condition is called verminous in-toxification. Most vitamins have trouble disposing of the toxins that are re-absorbed through the intestines. Your bodies have to work twice as hard to remove these toxic waste products.
Humans with worm infections will feel bloated, tired or hungry, allergies, asthma, gas, digestive disorders, unclear thinking or feel toxic. Damage and symptoms will vary on the type of parasite infection.
Marasmus, kwashiorkor, scabies and parasites are diseases caused by malnutrition